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Here you’ll find original paintings by Frieda, me. Some are inspired by the places I’ve walked, and the colors that nature gives to us so generously. Others are painted to represent a moment in time, a feeling, a knowing. Energy courses through every piece and its accompanying stripe or shape. No tape is used to create a line, but rather a steady hand and deep focus. This attention creates intimacy within each piece. They are not mass-produced or meant for everyone. But if a piece resonates then it is certainly made for you. May one of these paintings call to you and fill you with what you need, even if it is to add a little color to a sweet spot in your home.

Tap the category or scroll to see all the paintings.

Coming Soon

Pinterest Pin Templates. Creating Pin templates is one of the more time-consuming aspects of managing your Pinterest Business Account. The Pin Packets, in the works, as we speak, will help free up your time. Sign-up for my monthly newsletter to be the first to know when they are released.